もちもちイギリス風パンケーキのレシピ&作り方本日のパンケーキ♪ 今回はイギリスの伝統的なパンケーキ[イングリッシュ・パンケーキ] をご紹介します.クレープによく似ているけど、生地が薄いクレープと違って、ちょい厚めで、バターの風味が良くて、もちもち食感がたまりません♡。ぱらぱらっと入った砂糖の優しい甘みと、フレッシュレモンのほのかな酸味との相性はバッチリです!温かいうちにこまかいグラニュー糖をふってからレモンをぎゅーっと絞って、くるくるっと巻いて、暖かい、スリランカ(セイロン)紅茶と一緒にエンジョイ♪
A collection of delicious food recipes from around the world with step-by-step photos, detailed instructions, useful info, and helpful tips!
Healthy Adai Dosa (Mixed Lentil Dosa) Recipe
Adai Dosa ! Easy to prepare, healthy, FULL-OF-VEGGIE, mixed lentil dosa recipe with a video. Adai Dosa is a South Indian-style Dosa (savory pancakes) made from a non-fermented batter of mixed lentils and rice. You can make the batter in a blender in no time.
ピーナッツパンケーキ「アパムバリック」レシピ&作り方今日は、マレーシア風パンケーキ、アパム・バリッ(アパム・バリック/Apam balik)をご紹介します。地元の人々に愛されているマレーシアの人気屋台料理の一品。ほのかに甘い生地をパンケーキのようにパリッと焼き、具を入れて、半分に折って半月形にします。外はサクッと中はふわっふわで、砂糖やピーナッツのブツブツ感が食感のアクセントになって、これは超 ハマる!!!朝食・軽食にもよいかも・・3時のおやつにいかがですか?
Easy to Make Blender Crepes-The Best Recipe
Crazy Easy Blender Crepe Recipe-the easiest way to make crepes! Whip up your crepe batter in a blender, no hassle, no lump, less time and less clean up. Here is my go-to crepe recipe with a video. It doesn’t get any easier and sure to become your new go-to crepe recipe! Blender is your friend!…
BEST! English Pancakes with Lemon & Sugar
BEST! English Pancakes with Lemon & Sugar! Classic English Pancakes are soft buttery thin pancakes, traditionally served with a classic combination of lemon & sugar. You simply sprinkle some sugar and then squeeze fresh lemon juice (or vice versa) on the warm pancakes and then roll up with the filling inside. Easy to make a…
EASY! Homemade Crepes Suzette (Elegant Dessert)
Crepe Suzette is a classic French crepe dessert; crepes are served in a delicious orange sauce. Here is an easy-to-make homemade Crepes Suzette recipe with a video. A great way to convert your crepes into an elegant dessert that will surely impress your family & friends.
BEST! Apam Balik (Malaysian Peanuts Pancake)
Apam Balik (Malaysian Peanuts Pancakes)! Apam Balik is a much-loved street food in Malaysia. They are slightly crispy on the edges, crunchy and chewy in the center, filled with sweet buttery ground peanuts, typically served folded in half forming a half-moon. Easy step-by-step recipe with photos and top tips for making the best Apam Balik…
EASY! Crepe Recipe for Beginners (Frying Pan)
EASY Crepe Recipe for Beginners (Frying Pan)! If you’re learning to cook, this easy crepe recipe is for you. Making crepes from scratch is super easy, cheap & so much fun. You just need a simple crepe batter and a frying pan. Try this step-by-step recipe with photos, you will get homemade crepes in no…